'Sara resignation ends UniTeam'

FORMER senator Antonio Trillanes IV said on Friday the resignation of Vice President Sara Duterte as education secretary was the final act in the separation of the Duterte and the Marcos political groups.

"We have been tracking that division, and we saw that it was only under the radar, but they are already separated for all intents and purposes as early as the second half of 2023," he said during the Kapihan sa Manila Hotel.

Now, both camps are "flexing their political muscles. That is the purpose in the declaration that the three Dutertes will run in 2025," Trillanes said.

Vice President Duterte earlier announced that her father, former president Rodrigo Duterte, and her two brothers, Davao City Rep. Paolo Duterte and Davao City Mayor Sebastian Duterte, would run for senators in 2025.

Trillanes said they were looking at several angles, foremost of which would be "controlling the narratives."

"They floated the names of the three Dutertes as if to say that they are still a political force to be reckoned with, and at the same time, they want to start the political season much earlier than what is supposed to be because they expect that they will be facing more issues in the coming weeks and they will attribute these as politically motivated since they declared their political plans," he said.

Another aspect is for political strategists and planners to look at this as a real possibility that the three will indeed run for the Senate, he added.

"Now, if the announcement becomes a box office success, so to speak, then they will surely make it happen," he said.

What the other political groups should do now is start thinking of ways to prevent this scenario from happening, he said.

"There is the possibility that the 'pink' groups could have a tactical alliance even with the Marcos administration to form a unity ticket so the Dutertes will not be able to enter the Senate," said Trillanes.

Such a "unity ticket" should be policy-based, such as a policy on the West Philippine Sea or a policy that is focused on the economy.

"Provided that there is an agreement that there will be no move to change the Constitution," Trillanes said.

Political analyst and political science professor Ed Tayao, on the other hand, said the announcement that the three Dutertes will run in 2025 will push Filipino voters to think hard about whom to vote for in 2025.

"I am inclined to think that the voters will reflect deeply; they will look at this as a serious proposition," said Tayao.

For more, check out The Manila Times.